Usually, my go to product is Aveeno, but when I saw this new Benedryl I had to check it out. Before I even bought it I took the cap off and smelled it. It had a very similar smell to Vicks vapor rub, and I somehow managed to get some on my nose.I immediately felt the cooling sensation on the tip of my nose where it had touched. So I thought, even if it doesn't completely take away the itch of a bite, it will at least numb it a bit. So I bought it.
My son got a nice bug bite on his neck while playing outside today, giving me a chance to try out the new gel. He had already started scratching at it before I noticed, but I used the Children's Benedryl Itch Cooling Gel as soon as I noticed. Initially, he complained that he didn't like it because it made his neck feel cold and he didn't like the sensation. However, I never saw him scratch at his bite again. This amazes me because not a lot of products have worked on him.
Then, I got my second chance to use this product on my sunburn. It worked wonders. This product may say it's for children, but I am pretty sure it's something that I will be using just as much.
So a little information about it: the main ingredient is Camphor, and external analgesic. (Great for a slight numb!)
The tube says "Immediate cooling/soothing relief for most outdoor itches. Stops the urge to scratch." This I found to be true.
For skin use only, on "Insect bites, poison ivy, oak, sumac, mosquito bites, sunburn, minor cuts and scrapes"
This product retails for between $4-5.
This product retails for between $4-5.
Definitely a must for summertime!